
A family-run organic farm and agritourism of 5 hectares located two kilometres from the medieval village of Città della Pieve, with a stone farmhouse restored using completely organic materials and means. You’ll find us in Umbria, 12 km from Chiusi (Chiusi-Chianciano autostrada exit and central train station), 15 km from Trasimeno lake, 40 km from Orvieto and Perugia, 70 km from Siena, 130 km from Rome and Florence.

We are located at an altitude of 480 metres. Facing nearby Tuscany, the farm is composed of a vineyard, olive grove, field for several sheep, household pets, bees, and a nearby forest facing which is our house and agritourism apartments (completely self-sufficient) which we offer year round. The farm produces wine, oil, honey, cheeses, and many other products which you will find described in this page.

Farm photo Gallery


The agritourism is composed of two pleasant apartments (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom). The first comfortably accommodates two people with a third on a pullout bed. The second comfortably accommodates four with two more on a sofabed in the kitchen. Heating is not included in the room rate. The apartments have a small yard which finishes in a quaint wood, and the view over Tuscany melts into a thousand colours.

Our simple rural life offers the opportunity to enter a world and a lifestyle that today is nearly forgotten, and that never ceases to please us. Indeed, we’ve held these aims of simplicity and self-sufficiency for more than 25 years. The importance of raising animals, the pride in such an endeavour, the pruning, fertilizing, harvesting, and essentially transforming of our vegetable and animal products provide us with varied and continuous work, interests, stimuli, and opportunities to learn. Our animal products include cheese, yoghurt, and ricotta all coming from sheep’s milk; honey, propoli, wax, and pollen from our bees; and eggs from our hens. Our vegetal products are more diverse, the most important being olive oil, of which we produce around 300 litres with only slightly more than a hectare grove (we have participated in three competitions, winning two for quality of oil); and wine (from the vineyard we also produce grape juice). We vinify ourselves and, beyond our personal consumption, sell around 800 bottles of wine, including both red and white, annually. Our own vineyard extends approximately 6,000 square metres, in addition to which we manage the 3,000 square metre vineyard of our neighbour, who in return allows us use of his tractor.

We have a forest which provides us with wood – unfortunately never enough – for home heating. There is also the vegetable garden, a fruit grove, medicinal lavender plants from which we extract the essential oils to make soap, and starting this year we raise saffron plants as well. The yields of our various crops vary widely, of course, and depend in large part on the climatic conditions of a given year.

We are not a business, nor do we hope to become one; we simply produce, transform, and either sell directly or exchange our products.

The care of the land and the animals is carried out above all within the scope of maintaining an organic farm and lifestyle, and only when possible for the production of natural or homeopathic goods.

We work constantly with the thought of leaving the world better than when we arrived, and the satisfaction of living sensibly and peacefully with animals informs our decision to be vegetarians, albeit with respect for those who have not made such a choice.

Our farm-life is open to all; we belong to the international organization WWOOF, through which individuals interested in alternative rural experiences can come spend time with us, working and living as a part of our family.

The wilderness in which we have chosen to set ourselves provides us with constant gifts, from chestnuts to mushrooms to herbs to wild berries….certainly enough to live on.

In our home we have a workroom in which we bottle preserves and undertake various other jobs, a carpentry workshop (my former vocation, about which I have been passionate for over 25 years), a wine cellar, and a wood oven in which we make pizza and bake bread. In the near future we plan to add a small workroom to house our potter’s wheel so that we can craft clay as well.

Clearly, the aforementioned laboratories constitute an integral part of our daily activities; beyond building and adjusting as needed, we have planned and constructed a fruit and vegetable dryer which operates primarily via a solar panel, and by way of electricity when solar energy is lacking.

We are very interested in self-production, and participate in product exchanges (never intended for sale) with other farmers, exchanges which are informed in large part by our needs as dictated by the environment and its climate and cycles.

In addition to exchanging products, we operate occasionally by way of work exchange, in which one applies his or her skills in the service of another, and in return receives the specialized help of that person.

We believe that a better way of life is possible in the direction of self-sufficiency, but even we have to go to the supermarket now and again.

Nevertheless we manage to harvest much more than we need to survive, and this is a satisfying accomplishment indeed.

The Context

In these few lines I’d like to linger for a moment in the nearby surroundings of our home. Umbria and Tuscany at large won’t be discussed; for this there exist volumes upon volumes already. There are tremendous things and people within the range of only a few kilometres. Friends that live and produce on a farm removed from unhealthy living, friends that for the last twenty years have chosen Umbria as their home and their life together, coming from Germany with stories, histories, and a fervent desire to live on this land. We gladly pass on these precious contacts to individuals in search of artisanal products – both crafts and foods – a ride on horseback (also available to disabled individuals), or a course in craftsmanship. I myself have a completely functioning workshop and am glad to provide lessons on carpentry and repair work. The nearby thermal baths of San Casciano dei Bagni offer entrance to a world apart. Magnificent. Immersed in a spectacularly verdant area, free both in spirit and payment. Going their on a cold winter’s night, immerging yourself in the 39 degree waters, is a regenerating, communal, and invigorating experience. Etruscans and Romans keep you company.. The Devil’s Dens, natural grottoes dating back to prehistoric times, only now accessible thanks to a local cooperative which also manages a modest but interesting museum, and offers its knowledge in guiding small groups through the Dens. There are two courses, one for families, another more demanding which includes sections of rope and hook work. In short, there is always something to do in the area, be it under the heading of nature, gastronomy, history, modern or ancient art. There are concerts, theatres….

Prices of the apartments


Leccio Apartment's pricing (2 + 1 persons)
(pricing for the whole apartment for one night)
High Season (Easter-Christmas-New Year-July-August)
65,00 €
Low Season
50,00 €
(low season only)
140,00 € (two nights)
Just One night
(low season only)
80,00 €
Apartment given clean, complete of linings and towels

Uvafragola Apartment's pricing (4+2 persons)
(pricing for the whole apartment for one night)
High Season (Easter-Christmas-New Year-July-August)
85,00 €
Low Season
70,00 €
(low season only)
170,00 € (two nights)
Just One night
(low season only)
95,00 €
More than 4 persons
15,00 € each
Apartment given clean, complete of linings and towels

Phone: +39 0578 298181
Mobile: +39 340 2233389

2 people apartment photos - and - 4 people apartment photos
map of place and address - ... - map of the web site in italian

The Reconstruction

The two fold project of reconstructing the entire house and adding the agritourism apartments was initiated with a thorough study of the characteristics, both aesthetic and structural, of the oldest remaining portion of this 19th century farmhouse.

As ineligible qualities included arches too ornate for a country home and the use of non-ecological materials, we proposed in this vein a type of habitation that is alive, integrated in its environment, and healthy both for those who construct it and for those who inhabit it.

An example, one of many, is offered by the exterior of the house: observing what were by this time ruins, we noted that the outer walls were constructed with stones taken from the surrounding farmland, that there were small gaps between these stones where various birds had nested, and that the mortar that was used to seal the stones was composed of soil from the adjacent terrain mixed with lime.

Following this example, stones from the farm were used in the creation of the new structure as well, and small apertures were deliberately left in the outer wall in order to allow the birds to build their nests, something which they did while we were still working. The result is a living exterior, composed of warm colours, inserted perfectly in the surrounding territory, the earth and stones continuing the character of the walking path by redirecting it vertically, in all a welcoming and cosy second skin.

Other examples of the meticulous care taken in constructing our home after the model of the original structure are the beams of chestnut wood taken from the nearby mountain of Amiata, the handmade roof tiles, the lack of cement in the mixture used for the internal plastering (which created in effect the type of mortar used by the ancient Romans), and the wall paint composed of white lime, the whey of sheep’s milk, salt, and natural pigments. The furnishings are constituted entirely of Italian wood and are made by hand and finished with natural wax in the old stall cum workshop around the corner.

The examples could continue; everything was studied and pondered – often with considerable discussion – before being realized, and to us remains the pride of having confronted a job with a method, certainly not new, but sustainable and satisfying.


If the place where we live now has the appearance that it has, it’s thanks to all of the people who have shared their time with us – as much as three months – helping with various jobs, including our reconstruction project.

We belong to the international association WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms), composed by who have decided to lend their help, in exchange only for room and board, to small organic farms.

We have attracted motivated individuals from all over the world who are interested in a different way of life. With almost all who have spent time with us we have developed friendships, remaining in contact with them and even revisiting those who live in Europe.

Our sons are always first in line, involved and active, appreciative and supportive of our choices.

In certain periods, life in the country, demands a concentration of labour in order to carry out various simple jobs.

The grape harvest, the saffron, the gathering of the olives and the wood, if done in large numbers doesn’t weigh heavily on anyone; in fact we chat, we laugh, and we joke with one another. One learns a little English or a little Italian, depending on one’s needs.

There are moments of true cultural exchange; how many evenings we’ve all sat together at the dinner table, looking at the atlas, learning about each other’s origins, eating, drinking….

Anyway if you don't have so much time or if want learn something from ours life without miss the conmfort of ours agriturismo we organize some:


Is possible organize courses in farm, by asking before arrive, of carpentry-restoring; beekeeping; bakery by acid dough-paste; sheep milk workmanship producing yogurt, cheese, butter, ricotta; Italian language and basic children courses of terracotta-pottery. Yoga courses by a German teacher, in farm. And in the nearness horseriding, horse courses and horse-therapy for special/particulars abilities in the Great Horse Spirit centre. Some photo of lasts workshops are in the italian page: Workshops ITA